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[电子书]Profit With Options: Essential Methods for Investing Success 胜利期权交易:根本办法与投资

发表于 2009-7-14 02:37:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Profit With Options: Essential Methods for Investing Success

Authors Lawrence G. McMillan
Marketplace Books (corporate author)
Publication date June 6, 2002
Pages 277
Edition 01
Book category Adult Non-Fiction

A comprehensive guide for beginners on trading options includes a basic explanation of terminology, a Q&A section that enables readers to test their knowledge, and coverage of such topics as direct and contrary indicators, protecting a stock portfolio, and trading volatility.
A comprehensive guide for beginners by the leading authority on options Whether the markets are moving up or down, options remain one of the most attractive instruments for all investors. Profit with Options is a beginner's guide to trading options, delivered in clear and engaging manner by options guru Lawrence McMillan. Starting with a basic explanation of terminology, McMillan explains complete trading methodologies with chapters on direct and contrary indicators, protecting a stock portfolio, and trading volatility. The "Q&A" section in each chapter offers readers a chance to test their knowledge in real life trading situations. Whether you are looking for new investment sources in a bear market or seeking hedge protection in a bull, Profit with Options is a lively, one-stop reference and vital tool. Lawrence C. McMillan is the President of McMillan Analysis Corporation. He publishes the newsletter The Option Strategist and the innovative fax service "Daily Volume Alerts," updating investors on unusual increases in equity option volume.


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