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52 Simple Ways to Manage Your Money 52种管理钱的简单办法

发表于 2009-7-14 01:18:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

52 Simple Ways to Manage Your Money : A Weekly Journal & Workbook to Help You Take Real Control of Your Money

Author:Judith A. Martindale

Take the fear out of managing your money!Finally, a book that reveals easy-to-use methods for evalutating andcontrolling your finances! Make financial control painless. Through abetter understanding of your feelings and attitudes toward money, youcan gain financial freedom. Learn how your feelings about money canprevent you from reaching your goals.  Each two-part chapter describes an investment or common financialproblem. After providing tips and techniques for success, the bookinvites you to explore whatever is preventing you from moving ahead.  Chapters include tips on how to raise your consciousness aboutmoney, goal setting and budgeting, and guidance when selecting afinancial advisor or buying life insurance. 52 Simple Ways to Manage Your Money is a practical, systematic workbook that motivates readers to take steps necessary to ensure a sound financial future.  You've worked hard for your money. It's time to let your money work hard for you.

About the Author
MaryJ. Moses has many years of experience in personnel administrations inpublic education in California, and has also been the PublicInformation Officer for the San Luis Obispo County Office of Education.She has written and published three newsletters over the span ofseventeen years; one of which went to every educational employee in thecounty. She has co-authored with Judith Martindale No More BagladyFears: A Woman's Guide to Retirement Planning, which won a nationalaward, and 52 Simple Ways to Manage Your Money. Judith and Mary havebeen working together since 1982, both in team teaching of adults andwriting   Mary has actively supported women's causes and was the firstAffirmative Action Coordinator for Cuesta College. In addition to hercollaboration with Judi Martindale, she also writes historical fiction.Her novel of 19th century England, The Mill, will soon be publishedunder her pen name, Jane Denison. She lives and writes in CentralCalifornia.   Judith Martindale, who has been named one of America's top 200financial planners for three years in a row by Worth magazine, is theco-author of the award winning No More Baglady Fears: A Woman's Guideto Retirement Planning and 52 Simple Ways to Manage Your Money. Herfinancial advice has been quoted in the New York Times, Los AngelesTimes, Investor's Business Daily, Smart Money, and Worth, along withvarious other newspapers and magazines throughout the country.Martindale was the weekly financial commentator on CBS-affiliateKCOY-TV Evening News for four years, and hosted her own radio show, SanLuis Success Story. She is frequently invited as a guest speaker forbusiness, professional and non-profit organizations. Her office islocated in San Luis Obispo; however, she works with clients throughoutthe country. She is the founder and president of Financial PlanningUniversity, a virtual university that provides consumer educationteleclasses and advanced training for financial advisors. Ms.Martindale received her M.Ed. at Miami (of Ohio). She is a CertifiedFinancial Planner and Enrolled Agent. She is a member of the NationalAssociation of Personal Financial Advisors (NAPFA) and the Nationalassociation of Tax Preparers. Judi is married, and lives in CentralCalifornia.


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发表于 2009-7-14 01:57:32 | 显示全部楼层
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