Author:Mel Silberman
Product Description
Dozens of customizable performance improvement toolsMel Silberman's bestselling books on "Active Training" have sold morethan 68,000 copies. In The Active Manager's Tool Kit, Silberman takeshis trademarked approach to "Active Training" and applies it to "ActiveManaging." Instead of telling employees what to do and sitting back towait for results, "active managers" conduct team building, motivate,coach, and guide their direct reports to be self-directing,accountable, and team oriented. The Active Manager's Tool Kit is fullof work sheets and reproducible tools that can be downloaded from theWeb and customized or photocopied. These include reproducible job aidsfor employees, performance improvement activities that managers can useto train their own teams, and questionnaires that help both manager andemployees assess how well they are doing. The tools in this book enablethe "active manager" to coach and lead effectively.
Customer Reviews:
Finally - a leadership book you can really use on the job!July 14, 2003
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Manyleadership books are on the market with excellent concepts andtheories, but the great thing about this book is that it contains realtools, assessments, and ideas any manager can download and actually useimmediately to assess their own skills or to use as team activitieswith their employees. This book is great for those who continually workto develop their leadership skills, but is especially excellent formanagers who "don't have time for leadership classes", because they canuse the activities on their own with their team during staff meetings,or as "just-in-time" tools as they are needed to help employees dealwith change, etc. This is also an excellent resource for those in theHR/leadership development field - the tools can be used on a 1-on-1basis with a manager, or they could be used within a leadership course.