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发表于 2009-7-13 22:40:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
10.我们尽力发觉每个孩子都有机会(胜利)的根本目的在于包管他们有平等的机会,不是为了让他们成为一样的人,而是成为不一样的人,让他们意识到他们的身体,意识和灵魂都拥有其独特的潜力。  mm见笑啦…………       ----------------已奖励15/15/15,by 多旧绵--------------

√√√√√√√ 分类黄页免费登记了,越早越靠前哦!赶紧进来登记吧! http://www.nybbs.com/portal.php?mod=list&catid=21

发表于 2009-7-13 23:20:01 | 显示全部楼层
以下是引用hangel在2008-11-17 16:41:00的发言:
12,if you read and don't,you are an illiterate by choice.        An important aspect of education in the United States is the relationship between education and citizenship. Throughout its history this nation has emphasized public education as a means of transmitting democratic values, creating equality of opportunity, and preparing new generations of citizens to function in society.  美国的教诲的一个重要方面是教诲与雄民职责与权力的关系。纵观美国历史,他们曾经看重雄众教诲,把它卖做传播民主价值,发明机会均等,为新一代雄民准备社会职责的道路(斜字局部不懂哇)  
发表于 2009-7-14 00:38:11 | 显示全部楼层
以下是引用hangel在2008-11-17 17:19:00的发言:
has emphasized 不是过去完成时么。。。。我完了。。。。。  
发表于 2009-7-14 01:17:16 | 显示全部楼层
以下是引用hangel在2008-11-17 16:30:00的发言:
2. The primary purpose of a liberal education is to make one’s mind a pleasant place in which to spend one’s time.    教诲的重要目的在于让学生的心灵成为他们派遣时光的好地方 (怎么这么难受哇)    未完待续。。。。。    students often develop strategies for undercutting the teacher’s authority: mentally withdrawing, interrupting, and the like  
发表于 2009-7-14 01:56:21 | 显示全部楼层
以下是引用hangel在2008-11-17 16:41:00的发言:
12,if you read and don't,you are an illiterate by choice.       An important aspect of education in the United States is the relationship between education and citizenship. Throughout its history this nation has emphasized public education as a means of transmitting democratic values, creating equality of opportunity, and preparing new generations of citizens to function in society.  美国的教诲的一个重要方面是教诲与雄民职责与权力的关系。纵观美国历史,他们曾经看重雄众教诲,把它卖做传播民主价值,发明机会均等,为新一代雄民准备社会职责的道路(斜字局部不懂哇)    A study by National Parent-Teacher Organization revealed that in the average American school, eighteen negatives are identified for every positive that is pointed out.  
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