Making Difficult Decisions: How to be decisive and get the business done
Authoreter Shaw
Product Description
Youare faced with so many difficult decisions. Often your decision makingseems random. It can be swayed by different situations and emotions.You need to be more rigorous in the way you make decisions and yet youhave very little time to do so. Experience from others who have madetough decisions and a framework to help you do so would be invaluable.
Thecourage to make decisions is sometimes a bit elusive. It is difficultto find the calmness to be able to make and live with those decisions.There is so much that can be learned from the experience of others.After working through this book you will have the courage of yourconvictions and the ability to make difficult decisions count.
Thebook sets out a framework for making difficult decisions that has beentried and tested. It has been used successfully in one-to-one coachingwith senior leaders in both the public, private and voluntary sectors.The framework is built on the following strands: Clarity; Conviction;Courage; and Communication.