Warehouse Assistant
工作地点: Kearny NJ 07032
Work Location: Kearny NJ 07032
工作时间:周一到周五 早上8:30AM 到 下午5:30PM 中午午休30分钟。
Working hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30AM to 5:30PM with a 30-minute lunch break.
Job content: Make paperwork and enter the system for inbound and outbound, check-in with drivers, communicate with workers, send emails and make calls to solicit new customers.
要求 :
2.会用office word and excel;
Require :
1. Need to be fluent in English and simple Spanish;
2. Able to use word and excel;
3. Self-driving to work;
4. Must have a legal working status.
Phone number:(201) 628-2913, Email: stanleyye@useastern.net