我信服可以拍做法进程图的mm,我无论如何都不可,一动手就手忙脚乱的,不克周围有人走动,不克说话,更别提手黏糊着东西去摸相机了。做法就是食物为笔,piping bag + 0号tip,在蜡纸上画,冻硬了放在蛋糕上这样简单啊。直接画估量很难,我这么小一个蛋糕都画了有2-3个小时吧,如果直接画奶油怕是要化光。画的时候蜡纸放在塑料冰块上面,也赞助防备边画边熔化了。其实笔画之间的破绽还是没能全关闭,下次要看看这个问题如何解决
I was surprised to see the low price at certain bakery at first, and then realized there's a huge difference between baking/frosting the cake, and designing and carrying out the design of a pretty complex decoration idea.....
Low: $1.50 a slice
Medium: $5-$6 a slice
High: $10+ a slice
a guide on cake prices with lots of useful comments http://www.favorideas.com/learn-about/wedding-cake/an-insider-report-how-to-decode-wedding-cake-prices/
http://www.chocolatesinsations.com/partycakes.htm A sample priceto help you: Eight inch round birthday cakes start
at$75.00. Each cake is made with buttercream icing and covered with a marshmallow cream fondant. (approx 20 servings for this cake).