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发表于 2011-2-21 21:33:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Recently, a message,on the network said that the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (ISR) is investigating the income of FLG’s Shenyun performance.
Allegedly, it originated from within the FLG. A San Francisco man for unknown reasons, suddenly bursts out there is a huge problem show tax evasion of the ShenYun. This man said that shenyun performance have made a lot of money, by just 1,000 viewers per field, about 50 U.S. dollars per ticket, Shenyun annual income is twenty-nine million dollars. Shenyun full year’s net income must be at least two thousand five million dollars subtracted the costs and other spending, but paid very little tax. FLG have some very practical approaches to deal with the tax issues. For example, it often adopt false statement of expenditure, such as to Volunteers receive subsidies with the false ways to increase the cost for tax evasion. FLG followers quietly eating into the hidden donations, such as to push the money out of their internal volunteers’ votes, and then push the vote into a double-counting costs, included in tax returns areas. There are some extremely high income of advertising, the profits, circulated to the "DAJIYUAN" Times within the FLG system, for tax evasion.
The man also exposed that ,in January 2009, about 1-2 million viewers, and tickets ranging from 48-280 dollars, conservative estimated, they have a 80-100 million dollars in ticket sales. But they did not pay a penny in taxes. In addition to FLG in Hong Kong and Europe, New Zealand's activities, this man said FLG have some special methods to earn money and transfer the income of performance to these areas, also for tax evasion.
The man also claimed that the IRS is investigating the shenyun FLG performance, and ISR police have found him for the details.

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