本帖最后由 qli2911 于 2011-2-10 22:18 编辑
先別看這段話, 先聽聽這段[屎上最標準的]english先吧.!!!
Welcome to WaFangDian English language super school, the very best choice for you!
I'm the headmaster Gordon.
My specialty and expertise is to speak of perfect English.
Some of people asked me, how can they speak perfect English?
I tell them, the sercet is confidence...
Look at into my eyes, face, is confident.
I suspect your English is very, very bad.
Don't cry. Don't be sad.
That's the reason you count to me, but I tell you, I will be very strange to you.
Because you're learning from the real master.
You must all forget all your English when you walk into my door.
Follow me, into the bright of future and perfect English.
WaFangDian English language super school---
Perfect English for the whole world to enjoy!!