发表于 2009-7-12 14:03:07
以下是引用kittypeny在2009-6-21 17:58:00的发言:
sorry we dont' really cook that much, just baking and baozi it's also great to meet you guys, whitenoise真是大美女"""我怎么这么lucky,咱东北部美女so多,还都被我遇到了""! 以后一定要合个影。。。。。不过你们真是小朋友啊........下周我们正好约了朋友在hopkinton park 划船,你们要不要加入啊?re level4: haha it's that i told luoluow that we usually offer level 1 stawberry cake, level 2 chocolate cake, level 3 green tea cake, level 4 chestnut cake.....for some reason (though not intentionally at first) we usually bake for the same friend in this order. but this time we skipped ahead....