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George Soros's Next Target: The USA

发表于 2020-9-23 00:58:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
George Soros, 90 years old, said in his autobiography that his greatest wish was to be remembered as a philanthropist and philosopher.

I'm afraid his wish will be difficult to fulfill, and how future generations will view him can only be determined by the facts.

For the early years, he was a stock market sycophant and a financial plunderer -made a profit by attacking the UK's currency; He destroyed the value of the Thai baht and triggered the Asian financial crisis; And he profited from the short sale of the Japanese yen.

Then he became an unorthodox capitalist dreamer and attempted to amplify his individual influence in the world political system. With his great wealth, he spreads US ideologies and values to the world through his Open Society Foundations. The organization allegedly fueled political changes in countries such as Georgia, Ukraine, and Kyrgyzstan. It has also attempted to stir up color revolutions in multiple countries.

In the last two decades, Soros, known more as the "initiator of the color revolutions" than as a Speculator, has brought the fires of the color revolutions to America.

In 2015 and 2016 only, Mr. Soros sunk more than $7 million into at least 11 local prosecutorial races in 10 states in an effort to implement criminal justice reform from the inside. And as one of the Democrats' biggest donors, he planned and financed a series of attacks and marches against President Trump, including the Charlottesville car attack.

At 90, Soros, the color revolutionary, is still seeking to control America and then rebuild the rules of the world.

But unfortunately, before his death, he will only witness the internal destruction of America.

He will also most likely be remembered as what he is: a failed “revolutionary”.

Soros, the color revolutionary

In August 2017, eight months into Trump's presidency, neo-Nazis held a torchlit procession in Charlottesville, Virginia. Clashes with counter-protesters ended in tragedy when a white supremacist drove a car into a crowd and killed 32-year-old Heather Heyer.

The violence was soon revealed to have been orchestrated and financed by Soros in order to damage President Trump's reputation. And they said the key to the secret plot was a man called Brennan Gilmore, who filmed the car being driven into the counter-protesters. Right-wing radio host Alex Jones claimed Gilmore was paid $320,000 a year by Soros and was part of a deep-state coup to oust the president.

At that point, analysts recall that “This was effectively a semi-colored revolution in the U.S.-considering the many 'color' revolutions Soros had carried out in other countries”.

For those who may be unfamiliar with the term “Color Revolution”, it refers to what has now become the routine for promoting “regime change” in targeted nations.

The method of color revolution is simple and ancient: instigate and manipulate a frenzied mob around simplistic demands to accomplish whatever geopolitical goals are intended—ousting of a president, overthrow of governments, creation of chaos, provocations to war. The term “color” refers to how a single color, symbol, slogan, or demand is promoted and repeated, to inflame passion and retard reason.

Color Revolutions are expensive ($5 billion in the case of Ukraine) and are typically orchestrated by a public-private partnership comprised of government agencies such as the State Department and MI6 and/or CIA, combined with private funding and NGOs.

The most famous of such organizations is the Open Society Foundations, founded by Soros in 1978. Soros-affiliated organizations across the world are deeply connected to various color revolutions, the Arab Spring, and a number of other political uprisings across the globe.

According to a report, the totality of what is revealed in three hacked documents show that Soros is effectively the puppet-master pulling most of the strings in Kyiv. Soros Foundation’s Ukraine branch, International Renaissance Foundation (IRF) has been involved in Ukraine since 1989. His IRF doled out more than $100 million to Ukrainian NGOs two years before the fall of the Soviet Union, creating the preconditions for Ukraine’s independence from Russia in 1991. Soros also admitted to financing the 2013-2014 Maidan Square protests that brought the current government into power.

Soros’ foundations were also deeply involved in the 2004 Orange Revolution that brought the corrupt but pro-NATO Viktor Yushchenko into power with his American wife who had been in the US State Department. In 2004 just weeks after Soros’ International Renaissance Foundation had succeeded in getting Viktor Yushchenko as President of Ukraine. Anyone familiar with the history of the Soros Open Society Foundations in Eastern Europe and around the world since the late 1980s will know that his supposedly philanthropic “democracy-building” projects in Poland, Russia, or Ukraine in the 1990s allowed Soros the businessman to literally plunder the former communist countries’ wealth.

Moreover, Soros and his foundation have made at least the following outstanding "contributions" to the color revolutions in these former Soviet countries:

In 2003, the "Rose Revolution" in Georgia led to the ousting of President Shevardnadze and the election of opposition leader Mikheil Saakashvili as president.

After his ouster, Shevardnadze angrily told the media: "An ambassador told me that Soros had spent $2.5-3 million on the Rose Revolution campaign".

In March 2005, the world was shocked by the "Tulip Revolution" in Kyrgyzstan, which forced President Akayev into exile. Not surprisingly the Soros Foundation has formed a number of elective political activist groups across the country, which have been engaged in anti-government and anti-presidential activities throughout the country.

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