这些天在给猫猫选猫砂,为了猫和人的健康,决议以后都用 biodegradable 并且天然的,好比world's best cat litter,Swheat Scoop Natural Wheat Scoopable Cat Litter, 但是这些猫砂都不廉价。 前些日子一个mm在mitbbs上推举walmart的一个猫砂,叫fresh result。今天在网上看到一篇文章,里面说fresh result 就是 nature's miracle,同一个雄司生产,一摸一样的配方,只不过包装差异,销售渠道差异。 下面是价钱:
nature's miracle, 10lb, $12.99
fresh result, 10lb $6.22,因为买了nature's miracle, 所以没买这个。等着下次再买。今天看见了这篇文章,坚定了我们的信念! 现在正在给我们的猫猫试用nature's miracle,如果猫猫喜好,那以后就是fresh result了。 文章建议如果所在地walmart没有货,可以和store manager联系,要求进货。“as the more inquiries your overall area Wal-Marts make to 8 in 1 Products, the more likely it is that the litter manufacturer will consider carrying the product. Have the Wal-Mart managers ask for Wal-Mart item no. 811495 - Fresh Clumping Litter. Also, contact the Wal-Mart sales team at 8 in 1 by e-mailing LDundon@eightinonepet.com, (631) 232-1200 x 142.” 下面是文章的链接:
http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/54535/natures_miracle_cat_litter_and_fresh.html?cat=3 终于让我找到价钱廉价量又足质量也不错的猫砂了,愉快中。。。
此主题相干图片如下fresh result.jpg:
此主题相干图片如下nature miracle.jpg: