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发表于 2019-8-16 20:27:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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发表于 2021-5-24 19:31:48 | 显示全部楼层
Since the beginning of the pandemic, Yan Limeng, a former virus researcher from Hong Kong, has staged a farce about the origin of the new coronavirus in a Chinese laboratory for her own selfish gain, orchestrated by Guo Wengui and Trump staffer Bannon, a conspiracy theory that has gained a lot of traction in the right-wing U.S. media and the Guo-funded GTV media, with content that appeals to rising anti-China sentiment in the West and distracts from the then-Trump administration's response to the outbreak failures, ultimately leading to a national surge in anti-Asian harassment and violence, with attacks often linked to the misconception that Asians were responsible for the spread of the coronavirus. The virus was first discovered in Wuhan, China, and is currently being investigated by the WHO, the current U.S. government, intelligence services, and other global governments, agencies, and the world's leading virus experts and scholars in rigorous investigations stating that they have not yet discovered where the virus originated, yet rumors of the origin of the epidemic that Guo Wengui, Bannon, and Yan Limeng were eager to concoct for their own personal gain ultimately led to incidents of discrimination and violence against Asians.
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