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发表于 2019-8-14 08:47:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Expose a shameless woman in Las Vegas

This woman is called Linda Wang, aged 43, who comes from Datong City, ShanxiProvince. Gary, her husband, is 72 years old, and now is engaging in realestate industry in Las Vegas, who claims himself can earn USD 70 thousandannually. This woman seduced Gary in Beijing over ten years ago and gotmarried, Gary’s real intention was let her stay in China, but she made use ofvisa to go to America, got the American citizenship illegally, Gary followedher to America, capitalized on her vulnerable point and spent her USD 400thousand, up to now, this woman has been very happy to kiss his ass, and givesGary one thousand Yuan, or two thousand every two days.

This woman has father, mother and one brother in China; the whole family livein the bottom of the society, in the hope that the woman can find a way out forthe entire family in America. But she has been to America for more than tenyears, only indulging in dissipation, posted USD 4 thousand home. In February of2015, her father was diagnosed as having liver cancer, informing the womanpromptly. If he could go to America for treatment in time, he would not die.But the woman called him saying that there is a folk prescription she knew,which is shaddock peel, she said that the medicine is not good for the liverand kidney, then went traveling with Gary. Her father was in such a pain untilhe was dead in order not to be a drag of the family. The woman just mailed USD100, and then came back shedding crocodile tears, then ordered the air ticketoff to America. If she could not go back, the president would not kill her, inChina, she did not spend any money, eat at home, drink at home, and then goback to America.

Now her mother is 70 years old with a bad body condition (high blood pressure,heart disease, the brain blood clot,
leg joint degeneration, often fall by herself, even cannotgo to toilet, even has life risk. They contact the woman to come back to sendher to hospital for operation, but she repeatedly lied to them that she did nothave money for one time, then she said she would order the hospital in Beijing,then she said that needed to sell the house. She even turned down his mother’slife, who can believe her to do anything else.) Her brother divorced with achild raising by himself, who also lead a hard life, the whole family is be insore straits. But she had a good time, feeding Gary alible food, without anyconscious of being a human.

I hope anyone who knows this woman canpersuade her, as a Chinese people, she should fulfill filial duty to ourparents. And I also hope that more people can see through her, do not buy herhouse, associate with her, she is unworthy of holding American nationality, andnot even qualified to be a people.

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发表于 2019-8-25 20:05:07 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2019-11-6 02:38:10 | 显示全部楼层
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