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[院校排名] 美国法律专业排名TOP100院校

发表于 2010-10-28 23:03:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. Yale University (CT)

  2. Stanford University (CA)

  3. Harvard University (MA)

  4. Columbia University (NY)

  4. New York University

  6. University of Chicago

  7. University of Pennsylvania

  8. University of California–Berkeley

  8. University of Michigan–Ann Arbor

  8. University of Virginia

  11. Duke University (NC)

  12. Northwestern University (IL)

  13. Cornell University (NY)

  14. Georgetown University (DC)

  15. University of California–Los Angeles

  16. University of Texas–Austin

  17. University of Southern California (Gould)

  17. Vanderbilt University (TN)

  19. George Washington University (DC)

  19. University of Minnesota–Twin Cities

  19. Washington University in St. Louis

  22. Boston University

  22. University of Iowa

  22. University of Notre Dame (IN)

  22. Washington and Lee University (VA)

  26. Emory University (GA)

  27. Boston College

  27. College of William and Mary (Marshall-Wythe) (VA)

  27. University of Illinois–Urbana-Champaign

  27. University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill

  27. University of Washington

  32. Fordham University (NY)

  32. University of Wisconsin–Madison

  34. Brigham Young University (Clark) (UT)

  34. University of California–Davis

  34. University of Georgia

  37. George Mason University (VA)

  37. Indiana University–Bloomington

  39. Ohio State University (Moritz)

  39. Wake Forest University (NC)

  41. University of Florida (Levin)

  42. University of Maryland

  43. American University (Washington College of Law) (DC)

  43. Southern Methodist University (TX)

  43. Tulane University (LA)

  43. University of Alabama–Tuscaloosa

  43. University of Arizona (Rogers)

  43. University of California (Hastings)

  43. University of Colorado–Boulder

  50. University of Connecticut

  51. Baylor University (TX)

  51. Case Western Reserve University (OH)

  53. Arizona State University

  53. Cardozo-Yeshiva University (NY)

  53. Florida State University

  53. University of Cincinnati

  57. University of Utah (S.J. Quinney)

  58. Brooklyn Law School (NY)

  58. Temple University (Beasley) (PA)

  60. Illinois Institute of Technology (Chicago-Kent)

  60. University of Missouri–Columbia

  60. University of Pittsburgh

  60. University of Tennessee–Knoxville

  60. Villanova University (PA)

  65. Loyola Law School (CA)

  65. Rutgers State University–Camden (NJ)

  65. University of Kentucky

  65. University of Miami (FL)

  65. University of San Diego

  70. Loyola University Chicago

  70. Seton Hall University (NJ)

  70. University of Denver (Sturm)

  70. University of Houston

  70. University of Kansas

  70. University of Nebraska–Lincoln

  70. University of Oregon

  77. Indiana University–Indianapolis

  77. Lewis and Clark College (Northwestern) (OR)

  77. University of New Mexico

  80. DePaul University (IL)

  80. Rutgers State University–Newark (NJ)

  80. St. John's University (NY)

  80. St. Louis University

  80. University at Buffalo–SUNY

  80. University of Oklahoma

  80. University of Richmond (VA)

  87. Louisiana State University–Baton Rouge

  87. Mercer University (GA)

  87. Northeastern University (MA)

  87. Pennsylvania State University (Dickinson)

  87. Pepperdine University (McConnell) (CA)

  87. Santa Clara University (CA)

  93. Seattle University

  93. University of Hawaii (Richardson)

  93. University of San Francisco

  93. University of Toledo (OH)

  97. Georgia State University

  97. University of Mississippi

  97. University of South Carolina

  97. University of the Pacific (McGeorge) (CA)

  School did not return its U.S. News statistical survey.

  A School was unable to complete the survey because of damage from Hurricane Katrina. Last year's data was used to calculate the school's ranking and is displayed here, with the exception of tuition.

  Note: Numbers with * are from the fall 2004 entering class or school year and the 2003 graduating class as reported to the American Bar Association.

  N/A means that the data were not provided by the school.

  The University of the District of Columbia, Ave Maria School of Law in Michigan, Barry University in Florida, Florida A&M University, St. Thomas School of Law in Minnesota, and Appalachian School of Law in Virginia are not ranked because as of August 2005 they were provisionally approved by the American Bar Association. Three law schools in Puerto Rico-Catholic University, Inter-America University, and the University of Puerto Rico-are not ranked. 

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