1、文明礼貌从我做起 道德新风与你同行 Be acivilized and well-behaved person, and you will be accompanied by a new trendof ethics. 2、文明社区你我共建 美好家园你我共享 Acivilized community established by you and me, a beautiful homeland will beshared. 3、文明修养始于心 美好城市践于行 Courtesyhas its roots in one’s heart. A positive image of a city comes from action. 4、修养是立身之本 文明是城市之魂 Self-cultivation is fundamental to being a man. Civilization is the soul of a city. 5、一言一行讲文明 做人做事讲诚信 Conveycivilization through every word and every deed, and honor credibility whilebearing yourself. 6、文明创建手牵手 关爱成长心连心 Construct civilized society hand in hand, and be of one mind to care forthe growth. 7、保护生态环境 创造绿色文明 Preserve the ecological environment, and create green civilization. 8、蓝天绿地碧水 城美人和业兴 Blue sky with turquoise water will contributeto a beautiful city, harmonious relationships and prosperous industries. 9、和谐是朵幸福花 全家浇灌美如画 Ifharmony were a flower, it would be more beautiful by watering with jointefforts. 10、和谐家园共同建 家庭幸福春满园 Aharmonious home built with joint efforts will overflow with vitality like agarden in spring.