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The Disadvantages Of The Free Web Hosting

发表于 2010-7-28 21:08:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
China based leading web hosting provider--www.todayisp.com

There are many different ways to make the new site. Some people choose the free web hosting services to make their sites accessible in the Internet; the others

are ready to pay some money for the web hosting. What is the actual difference? What do they pay money for if there is the free service? The web hosting service

has many parameters. Some of them are different for the free and prepaid web hosting service. Therefore, certain people are ready to resign themselves to the

faults of the free web hosting and the others do not.

One of the huge disadvantages of the free web hosting service for many site creators is the significant quantity of various ads of the web hosting company. The

main condition or the rule to follow for the site creators using the free accounts is not deleting these ads. The web hosting companies differ by the approach of

placing these ads. Some make them context and place somewhere at the bottom of the page where they are not that noticeable and annoying. The others follow the

single rule when placing these ads: the information added to the site page by the site creator is to be visible. Thus, the text might be visible but the ads will attract

more attention and might be too bright or just not suit to the general style of the site. Of course, the users prefer the first variant. Therefore, the web hosting

companies either try to make the ads accessible for the users or offer some great advantages to them in order to make them resign to these ads. However, in

practice the first approach is used much wider.

The second fault of the free web hosting accounts is the lack of the support from the web hosting company. It means that the site can become unavailable through

the web in the definite moment of time in case the web hosting company faces any problems with their servers. Of course, their employees will work on restoring the

servers but they will surely start from the servers with the prepaid accounts as the web hosting company will have to pay the fine for the time the prepaid sites were

unavailable in the Internet. The matter is that the most of the prepaid web hosting accounts have the condition of the 24 hours support. It means that the web hosting

company is obliged to keep the sites online despite any factors unlike the free web hosting accounts. For this reason the free users will have to wait until the

company solves the server problems. There is no way to change the situation to the better. Thus, it would be wise to buy the prepaid hosting if your income depends

on the site you create.


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发表于 2010-8-19 20:39:07 | 显示全部楼层
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