曼哈顿中城金融公司诚聘电话销售邀约专员 正职或带薪实习 可提供OPT 升入正职则有机会提供H1B 要求: 1.热爱电话销售、客服类的工作。 2.优秀的表达、理解和沟通说服能力,以及良好的客户服务意识。 3.激情,坚韧,充满干劲,勇于进取和挑战自我。 4.学历不限,年龄18—28岁,性别不限 5.有电话销售、客服经验者优先,会中英双语者优先 6.需要合法工作身份 加入我们的理由: 1、加入我们,您即刻进入当今极受青睐的职业发展领域,并能接受最专业的训练! 2、加入我们,您即便没有高学历也同样有机会获得年薪10万美金以上的收入! 3、加入我们,您将和一群业界精英共同创造行业第一的历史! 4、加入我们,您将有机会获得股票期权并分享公司成功! 5、加入我们,您将得到一个充分展示自己销售才能和快速晋升的舞台! Job Description: Generates leads, cold-calls, and prospects potential clients Engages conversations with potential merchants byintroducing products and services Obtain customer's general information Schedule appointments for senior managers to meet withprospective customers Follow up with potential customers to further engagepotential sales opportunities Qualifications: Must be well-spoken, outgoing and self-motivated Able to work independently and driven by results Good critical thinking and persuasive communication skills Bilingual skills in Chinese, and Korean are a PLUS Must be authorized to work in the U.S. Compensation: Hourly wage and bonus Two-week training and performance evaluation required