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发表于 2014-11-17 16:18:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


我们诚挚的邀请您参加免费活动,“国际学生的移民选择”系列讲座将于11月19日晚5点至7至在纽约中国城的Wyndham Garden酒店举办。






Tao Lin律师为美国达理律师事务所主管合伙人,精通中英文,具有移民与国际交易方面之专长。 毕业于美国加州大学洛杉矶分校,在取得美国匹兹堡大学法律博士 (J.D.) 学位前,曾服务于台湾永然联合法律事务所与香港Lewis D'Amato's 事务所。
林律师毕业后曾经工作于非营利组织、于1998年加入凯萨与黎保利萨律师事务所,并于2004年至2009年担任移民部之主管合伙人。 他也曾经于联合国担任人权与环境议题方面之顾问。 林律师分别于1996年取得康乃狄克州律师与1997年取得纽约州律师执照执照, 亦是美国移民律师协会会员,与纽约市律师协会移民事务委员会之委员。

Ai Tong为Ai Tong律师事务所的创始人, 精通中英文。Ai Tong律师事务所主要业务方向为移民法,其中包括移民,家庭,EB-5和签证请愿。Ai Tong律师于中国人民大学取得本科法律学位,由美国爱荷花大学取得法学硕士学位。

J. Marc Payne 于2009年加入USREDA,任职于高级法律事务联络专家。他所具有的丰富的国际事务经验,成功地帮助数百位移民投资人获取了绿卡。在USREDA任职期间,Marc帮助完成了数十次商业交易,并吸引了投资近数千万的EB-5资金。在从McMaster大学毕业之后,他在Western Ontario大学取得了法学学位。之后,他前往英国继续进修,当他完成学业之后,成为了加拿大律师公会的出庭大律师及事务律师。之后,他在加拿大Bell公司磨练了他的法律技能,被聘请担任为合同运营总监。自那时之后,他曾担任英国服装公司的首席执行官,创办了一家国际咨询公司: Parrington Associates,帮助印度公司Bharti AirTel成为了世界第三大电信供应商。Marc已经积累了超过40年的国际商业和法律经验,将全部贡献给USREDA项目。

Dear Friend,

You are cordially invited to the free event, “IMMIGRATION OPTIONS FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS” taking place on November 19th from 5:00pm to 7:00pm at the WYNDHAM GARDEN CHINATOWN.

Meet two Immigration Lawyers who will explain student options for getting green cards, including a way of getting a Green Card within one year.

Complimentary wine and cheese will be provided along with free information packets. The presentation will be followed by a Questions and Answer session. Have all of your immigration questions answered! Please forward this email to your friends and ask them to register at here. They will thank you for it.

SPONSORED BY: United States Regional Economic Development Authority

TAO LIN is the Managing Partner of TLA Law and practices in the areas of immigration and international transactions. He received his college degree from the University of California, Los Angeles, and thereafter worked for the Perennial Law Office in Taiwan and Lewis D'Amato's Hong Kong Office before receiving his J.D. from the University of Pittsburgh Law School. After graduation, he worked for various immigration law firms and non-profit organizations in New York before joining Caesar & Napoli, a New York law firm in 1998 where he was a partner and the head of immigration from 2004 to 2009. He also served as an advisor at the United Nations, primarily advising on human rights and environmental issues. He is admitted to practice law in New York and Connecticut. Tao is fluent in Chinese and English.

AI TONG is the Founder and Principle Attorney at the Law Office of Ai Tong, P.C. The Law Offices of Ai Tong focuses primarily on immigration law, including removal, family, EB-5, and nonimmigrant visa petitions. Ai received the Bachelor of Law degree from The Renmin University of China College of Law and an LL.M from The University of Iowa College of Law. Ai is fluent in Chinese and English.

J. MARC PAYNE joined USREDA in September 2009 as Senior Legal Liaison. His experience with International Affairs has helped to complete many successful applications for hundreds of immigrant investors. In his time with USREDA, Marc has helped to close dozens of business deals and has raised tens of millions in EB-5 capital. After graduating from McMaster University and earning a law degree from The University of Western Ontario, Marc studied in England and then, qualified as Barrister and Solicitor from the Law Society of Upper Canada, then honed his legal skills with Bell Canada, where he was hired to act as Director of Contract Operations. Since that time, Marc has worked as CEO of an English clothing company, founded an international consulting firm, Parrington Associates, and helped grow India's Bharti AirTel to the third largest Telecom provider in the world. In all, Marc has accumulated over 40 years of experience in International Business and Law, and now puts his gained expertise to work for USREDA and its clients on a daily basis.

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