工作項目/Job Descriptions:
1.中央公園和布萊恩公園聖誕市集的珠寶銷售員/Columbus Circle & Bryant Park Holiday Markets PT Jewelry Sales.
2.工作日期為11/25/2012 ~ 12/24/2012/Working Period: 11/25/2012 ~ 12/24/2012.
3.每週4至5個工作天, 每個工作天為8至9小時/Approx. 4to 5 days/week, 8 to 9 hours/day.
1.個性獨立成熟開朗, 誠實負責, 能吃苦/Looking for mature, honest, outgoing & hardworking individual.
2.流利英文對話/Fluent English.
3.每週至少能夠工作4天, 時間彈性者/Able to work at least 4 days a week with flexible schedule.
訓練期為2~3個工作天(視能力而定), 美金時薪. 訓練期後為美金時薪 + 銷售抽成. /First 2~3 working days will be training period with only hourly pay. After that, salary will be hourly rate + commission.
應徵程序/How to Apply::
1. 請電郵自我介紹至vivi@vivi-sun.com. (婉拒呆板格式履歷, 請寄簡單口語化的自我介紹.)/Please email casual resume to vivi@vivi-sun.com.
2. 合適者將安排面試./I will contact suitable candidates for interview.