以下是引用OrangeSeed在2009-6-18 13:03:00的发言:
这个周六大众都有空吗? 有兴致的话,咱们可以去dididi推举的地方摘樱桃,或者还有一个"草莓周" (see below)。大众可以投票一下。我两个地方都可以。可以去拍照和出去走走。有兴致的说话啊! Strawberry wine, chocolate-covered strawberries and more are on the menu during the fifth annual STRAWBERRY WEEKEND at Lynfred Winery. Dads get a free glass of wine on Father's Day. June 20 and June 21, 10 a.m. – 7 p.m. Free. 15 South Roselle Rd., Roselle, (630) 529-9463, www.lynfredwinery.com. |